
Jennifer Campbell

Voiceover Actress - Author - Traveler

Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

Hi, I'm Jennifer! My background in accounting, HR, business, travel, self-publishing, proofreading, and dabbling in various creative endeavors makes me a unique voice for your project.

aBroadVoice is the culmination of my experience and utilizing my "voice" by helping others; such as writing a children's picture book about being different, sharing my trips & travel tips, and creating mediation audio, for example.

I record in my home studio featuring a Sennheiser MK4 mic, Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 interface, and Audacity running on a MacBook Pro.

I spend the rest of my time creating artsy/crafty things, leading a Women's Travel Hub, hiking, attending concerts, reading, enjoying video/board games, pet sitting, and singing in my car.

Passionate Personable Polished

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